Create a centrepiece using succulents

As the holiday season approaches, we’re always looking for different ways to showcase our kitchen table when we have guests over. Plants are a beautiful natural element to add to the table to complement your decor any time of year. Have you ever seen a centerpiece made from succulents? Surprisingly, these little plants can make the most beautiful centerpieces! Let your inspiration guide you to create a unique centerpiece, as beautiful as those found in stores.

The huge advantage of a centerpiece made from succulents is that you can keep it all year round. Just adapt it! Depending on the season or party, insert the decorations of your choice, such as pine cones, fir branches, autumn leaves, small lights, etc. And why not mix green and red succulent varieties for the Christmas period? Adding flowers would also be perfect for the summer season and even for a wedding. In short, let your imagination run wild! Your kitchen table will never have looked so alive.

Now that you know more about the subject, follow these steps to create the most charming centerpieces made from succulent plants:

Step 1: Choose your container

Find a pretty container made of wood, glass, or plastic, which will serve as the basis for your centerpiece. For outdoor centerpieces, make sure your container has a drainage hole, as succulents do not tolerate wet soil. For indoor centerpieces, choose a container without a drainage hole and be sure not to overwater.

Step 2: Choose your succulents

To create a look that is both classic and original, select a large pot that you fill with plants of different sizes, shapes, and colors. Ideally, prioritize an erect plant in the center that will attract attention (eg: aloe, sansevieria, or ZZ plant), a few filler plants (eg: echeveria), and hanging plants (eg: sedum) on the border for a perfect combination. For a more modern look, opt for several small pots of the same size or one large rectangular pot. Then use plants of the same size for a linear and uniform effect.

Also, consider where you want to place your centerpiece as succulents require a minimum of 4 to 6 hours of daily sunlight. For outdoors, for example, choose succulents that prefer strong light. For indoor centerpieces, opt for succulents that tolerate low light such as echeveria, panda plant, aloe, or crassula ovata.

Step 3: Plant

Fill your container with Soil for CACTUS & SUCCULENTS , which is perfectly suited to this type of plant. This potting soil b[[[[ased on sphagnum peat and sand promotes rapid drainage of water while maintaining the ideal humidity level for your succulents. Before planting, test the arrangement of the plants to get a taste of the result. You are free to add small rocks or even sphagnum moss to decorate.

Step 4: Maintain your centerpiece

Water your centerpieces about every two weeks in summer and reduce watering to just once a month in winter, during their dormant period. Make sure the soil is completely dry before watering again. It is better to skip watering than to overwater.

So! You have just created a very original centerpiece in less than an hour. Succulents live easily through all seasons of the year, they don’t take up much space and they have a long lifespan. What more could you ask for? If you have any questions, do not hesitate to consult professionals in the field and take the opportunity to go to your favorite garden center!

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