The best remedies to eliminate ants in the garden

Ants are one of the most common pests and those that can cause the most damage to crops. Being always in colonies, the large number of ants can cause significant damage, in addition to always being accompanied by other pests and diseases for plants.

However, by themselves, ants are not harmful to the plant, rather they allow the soil to aerate and move, in addition to providing organic matter to the soil. Therefore, we will focus on how to eliminate ants from your garden in an ecological way and without using chemical pesticides that also affect the environment.

Best elements and methods to eliminate ants


By just sprinkling a little on the areas where you see the ants passing through and at the entrance to the anthill, you can easily repel them. You must be constant with the application of cinnamon for several days in a row.

Spray peppers

Ants dislike strong odors, so you can use peppers to keep them away from certain areas where they are rooted. Simply crush the peppers, powder them, and then mix them with water and spray them on the infected areas.

Sodium bicarbonate

You only need to pour an uninterrupted line around each plant at a distance of 20 cm.


The use of yeast is effective in ending the ant invasion. You can mix the yeast with water and sugar and water it near the anthill.

The sugar will attract the ants, which will take the sugar inside the anthill, where this mixture of sugar and yeast will ferment and the gases will deplete them.


It is a drastic method since it should only be applied if the anthill is located far enough away from any crops that cannot become waterlogged.

To do this, you need to have a liter of water and pour it very carefully around the anthill. This action will flood the area and dismantle the anthill, forcing the ants to leave the place and change areas.


After squeezing the lemons you plan to use, fill a sprayer with their juice and spray the entire ant-infected area. Another somewhat rudimentary way is to cut a lemon in half and with a piece rub the entire lemon on the trunk of the plant, this way it will be difficult for them to get close.

Coffee grounds

Coffee is one of many compounds that are unpleasant to most insects. You can place coffee remains from your home around the plants you want to protect.

Rue in infusion

Cut the leaves into small pieces and soak them for 24 hours. The next day, apply by spraying along each of the paths that the ants travel to the entrance of their anthill.

cork seedbed

Also known as the carpet method, this process consists of placing a seedbed made of cork or some other similar material below, in the area affected by the pest. You should water this seedbed 2 or 3 times a week until the ants finish moving to this new home.

From this point, you can easily eliminate the ants, transport them to another location, or use one of the previous methods.

Garlic infusion​

To put an end to the invasion of ants in your garden once and for all, you must soak the garlic for 48 hours, then boil it in that same water for about 20 minutes.

Finally, strain the result and use it with a sprayer on the areas you need to treat. It is preferable that you do this first thing in the morning or very late at night.

Lesser-known ways to eliminate ants from a garden

  • Vaseline to cover the entrances to the anthills located in your garden.
  • Parai fruits
  • Borax with condensed milk, although you must be extremely careful if children or pets have access to the garden that can ingest the condensed milk.
  • Purple cabbage near the anthill.
  • A tablespoon of soap mixed with a liter of water, poured over the entire plant.
  • Cotton is tied with wires, preventing them from passing through where it is fixed.
  • You can use potassium soap diluted to 2% in water and then poured over the area infected by ants.

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